Sunday, April 27, 2014

Were these good things that scientists did from the 1910's through the 1980's?

     The fact that the U.S. allowed human cloning, genetically engineered “designer babies”, sterilization of the mentally ill, mentally defective, the “feeble minded”, experimenting with dead bodies known as cadavers to attain accurate data for the mass production of seat belts, airbags, and windshield design, the mingling of blood and DNA used for creating the Human Genome Project, the cloning of various types of mammalian animals, the lifelong psychological experiment of one synthetically created male and in combination with another synthetically created female, having scientific eugenic roots based on the famous eugenics study of the Jukes and Kallikaks families that took place during the first half of the 20th century, also known within the biological and medical communities as “The Final Test of Eugenics”, are all things that the U.S. tried so hard to keep in the dark, since these things that were done in recent world history defy God, and have made God angry at the works of the men who conducted these types of science.

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