During the late 1940's the CIA produced and played starring role in what was then known as "Operation Paperclip". Operation Paperclip hinged on a misdirection campaign. The Misdirection was simple. The United States led the world to pursue many of the Nazi military officers who committed gross atrocities against their prisoners in at attempt to convict them of war crimes. This was highly publicized with a media fervor. Behind the scenes however, US Intelligence communities were recruiting Nazi scientists and renowned concentration camp medical doctors and psychiatrists. These men were all high ranking Nazi SS officers, who were guilty of committing grizzly and sometimes mind bending offenses that surpassed all else done in the war. Many of these men being recruited to work for us were the very men who were responsible for the horrors at Auschwitz and other camps. They received the option to either come work for us in such labs as Los Alamos for much more money than they received from the Germans, or be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for their crimes. Of course the decision for most was almost instant.
MK Ultra is not just a conspiracy theory. The projects it encompassed came about expanding on the works of the Nazi doctors and scientists recruited from operation paperclip.
It is a fact that the CIA proposed and conducted mind control experimentation from the mid 1940's on, using the German scientists courted by our nation. In a large degree it is a matter of public record and was a matter of Senate Committee investigation. What actually is revealed is certainly stranger and more frightening than fiction.
In 1975, during the first senate committee meeting concerning MK Ultra it was said; "From its beginning in the early 1950s until its termination in 1963, the program of surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting non-volunteer human subjects demonstrates a failure of the CIA's leadership to pay adequate attention to the rights of individuals and to provide effective guidance to CIA employees.
Though it was known that the testing was dangerous, the lives and sanity of test subjects were placed in jeopardy and ignored.... Although it was clear that the laws of the United States were being violated, the testing continued."
The CIA, 2 years later in 1977, found itself again before the Senate and key men were questioned concerning their role in conducting these and other tortuous and mind killing "experiments". In 1975-1976 however George H.W. Bush was appointed director of the CIA, and senate hearings have revealed that a massive amount of paperwork concerning Mk ultra projects has been destroyed. It should be noted that the official story claimed that the majority of the paperwork was destroyed in 1972. US interest in mind control and manipulation can be traced back to Dr. A. Newton Richards in 1941. This was the year that the Chemical Warfare Service merged with the Committee on Medical Research. Richards was the progressive liberal director who had concluded there was a necessity to progress certain studies to the human level of experimentation.
Because of the horror and public outrage that would be raised, and in order to be able to run without obstacle, this sort of operation of course would later come to be known as a black operation.
In 1942 Richards contacted War Secretary Henry Stimson
requisiting approval to use military personnel for experimentation involving poisonous gasses. Ultimately many multiple thousands of servicemen suffered such "experimentation".
In March 1943, Vannevar Bush approved a Richard's plan to perform secret "medical" experimentation on prisoners at the federal penitentiary in Terre Haute Indiana.
The National Academy of Sciences has estimated that since the 1940's over 60,000 servicemen were subjected to similar life threatening and life-shortening experiments. It is further estimated that perhaps as many as 20,000 servicemen and their dependents were intentionally exposed to radium. Consider too that these figures only include admitted experimentation. The 80,000 US servicemen were not alone in this. "Experimentation" was also performed on inmates, prostitutes, and the mentally unsound citizens of the United States. Poor whites and blacks were irradiated and developed cancerous growths, in what is known as "terminal experimentation"... experimentation to the death.
In 1953 "paperclip" began producing fruit with several new programs sanctioned under then CIA director Allan Dulles. Operation Paperclip evolved into project "Bluebird" (1949), project Naomi (1950, and project "artichoke" (1951), and then MK Ultra (1953) became the officially designated cover-all name for this multifaceted project, which operated as it willed without restraint or any human regard. Just a bare 24 years later the CIA would find itself summoned to answer for some of these projects before Senate committees, unfortunately it was glossed over, covered up and later forgotten, but not before certain facts escaped.
The MK-Ultra program entailed a very wide range of projects, all concerning themselves with mind control. Documentation reveals at least 149 sub-projects. Everything from brainwashing and repatriotization, to creating unwitting couriers of classified information, to turning the average Joe into an assassin without ever knowing they were even being manipulated, was looked into in a "how can we do this?" sort of way. This was accomplished by way of a steady diet of drugs hypnosis and trauma.
There were several Nazi "Specialists"... medical officers working to manufacture genetics to create the perfect race, and others specializing in breaking men down, while others actually developed hypnotically prepared "average Joes" as time-bombs to be set off to accomplish pre-programmed covert goals.